As we enter 2018, two-thirds of Global 2000 CEOs have digital transformation at the center of their corporate strategies.

IDC Reveals Worldwide Digital Transformation Predictions

The Road To Success

Digital transformation should be seen as a journey rather than a destination, and as with any new journey, it’s useful to have a map or guidebook to refer to. A low-code digital factory is a concept that accelerates the digital transformation journey and enables an organization to:

  • speed up delivery of software applications (up to 10x faster than traditional development).
  • Bursts development teams productivity - from just a few solutions to hundred and more per year (depending on the size of the development team).
  • Continuisly supports enterprise-wide digital transformation initiatives.

It provides a structured approach to your digital journey and prevents your digital transformation initiatives from hitting a wall with the agility needed to overcome today’s challenges.

A Framework Supporting Change

Establish a Firm Foundation

This stage focuses on enabling the first project team and successfully delivering the first project, which can address a digital operations or a digital experience use case. Getting an early win is critical because it builds confidence in low-code and paves the way for subsequent projects.

Center of Excellence

As the first team successfully delivers more projects, the natural progression is to increase or scale the use of low-code. Building a low-code center of excellence enables more teams, makes it easier to integrate low-code with other internal platforms and adds governance as a focus. During this stage, organizations establish a self-sustaining low-code capability.

Digital Factory

With the appropriate supporting structure in place, organizations can move and grow low-code across multiple lines of business. The journey to becoming a full digital enterprise allows you to embrace all of the use cases for low-code. With a truly agile digital core, businesses are equipped to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and competitive pressures.